Get ready for a World-Wide Safari... brought right to you! We bring our pint-size pals from Australia, Russia, Pakistan, Madagascar, and more and let your party or class get up close and very personal. We believe in being able to hold, pet, feed, and get to know our animals as much as possible so that with so much hands on adventure you might not notice how much you learn!
We are always ready to personalize so that your experience is special to you and your favorite animal gets mentioned, everybody feels comfortable, and everyone there, age 3 to 93, learns something new.
Possible Animal Visitors include: Chinchilla, African pygmy hedgehogs, Frogs, Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, Russian Tortoise, Hermit Crabs, Leopard Gecko, Red Ear Slider Turtle, Praying Mantises, Mealworms, and More!
To learn more about our parties, classes, and how to book yours, choose Safari Packages.
Due to an endless storm of illness and health problems, I have made the difficult decision to go on a short “hiatus” from Critters 2 Go until my health improves. I want to thank all of our friends, fans, and family for the support you have shown us over this difficult time! I am not sure when I will be able to once again provide parties and classes with my animals, but until that point, I will still try to keep nand Facebook page a place you can learn about the fascinating animals of the world. Also, if you stay tuned to our Facebook page or Twitter account
That being said, while parties and classes may be on hold, the rescue side of Critters 2 Go is still in full force. Our home is still a virtual Noah’s Ark with our own animals, many rescued after living with people not prepared to care long term for an exotic pet, as well as fosters getting healthy and happy before finding the right forever homes. That means food, vet bills, etc. and one of the main ways I have paid for those costs in the pasts has been through our Critters presentations. Actually all of the money we make through Critters 2 Go went right back into mealworms, litter, veterinary appointments, and more for our animals. So without that coming in, here’s what we WILL be doing to help defray our costs.
We will be selling random stuff! Like some unused pet supplies, toys, collectibles, etc. I’ll keep a page of the things, with links to where they are (eBay, Craigslist, If you are in NEED of a particular pet supply for a rescue, prices will be negotiable (even to the point of being free), just talk to me. Other than that, just hoping to help defray some of the cost of care for the awesome animals in our stewardship and anything you can pay would help.
Once again, thank you all for your help and support and I hope to see you in the future! Do not hesitate to still use this site as a forum to have questions answered or to celebrate the awesome animals in this world of ours!
Bugs and Stitches,
BethAnn Mayberry,
Critters 2 Go
P.S. for those of you with prior commitments (like you purchased a party at a charity auction that you have yet to be able to use) please get in touch! I will still find a way to either schedule you or arrange an equally enriching experience.
This page was last updated: May 19, 2018